Our networks like these transcend institutional structure. All the great advancements typically don't happen as institutional initiatives. Institutions are good at scale and efficiency.

New perspectives take time to grow. They happen because a person has an idea. Lies awake at night thinking about. Starts scribbling notes on a notepad. Keeps adding to it and adjusting the clarity of the idea. Then they begin to share it. They discover that other people have been thinking in similar ways, but coming at from a very different direction.

Our podcasts are places where we can meet and talk about these ideas that matter to us. They are digital equivalent of the neighborhood bar after work. They are third places in the virtual realm where we can meet and discover kindred spirits.

Thanks Mark and Ponch for the advancement in understanding you are bringing to us through the ideas of John Boyd. It grows in significance every day.

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Thank you Ed for being a gracious podcast host and networking leader!

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My pleasure.

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